Last updated: 2024-03-21

Vanessa Decker & Amber Nevada show off their nice and sexy moves while undressing.

  • Name:Vanessa Decker & Amber Nevada
  • Hair:Brown-haired
  • Country:Czech republic
  • City:Prague
  • Type:European
  • Height:5.58
  • Weight:121
  • Stats:31/28/35

We enjoy putting together dancers that have a real lust for one another. Vanessa Decker and Amber Nevada dress next to one another in our staging room. We saw how Vanessa would lightly caress Amber\'s neck if she helped her with a necklace and Amber often returned the flirting by asking about Vanessa\'s sweet smelling perfume. When approached about dancing together, they in unison said, \"we thought you\'d never ask\"! Well we are glad we did and you will be too when you download their full stage show.